Quote:I've noticed the same thing, but I am giving you the actual numbers (from the next day, not the estimated honor from the day of).
So I don't know why my honor gain is that slow compared to what OMD thinks I should be getting.
At any rate it is all moot. Looks like we won't be raiding much for the next 3 weeks, and I should have enough time to get it done.
It is interesting to see the effect -- an Azuresong Mageblade dropped last night and was virtually unwanted despite the presence of quite a few infrequent raiders.
Two AV PuG loses that took a total of 1.5 hours netted me, are you ready, 467 honor yesterday.
One match I came in late, but it still took us another 30 minuts to lose it. The other match I was there the whole time. So I see actual honor rates like you see, or worse.
But I need 30 AV marks for one of the items I want so I'll be back in there.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.