12-13-2006, 06:24 PM
Quote: I must be the only person insane enough to be playing BGs just to get the tabards...
Not at all. I have the Stormpike tabard, which I don't like. I will take delivery on the Arethor tabard today, just 500 more rep. The tabard I really want is the Silverwing, which has the prettiest pattern, but 18K rep remains, and I don't think I'll be in Warsong much after TBC opens.
For us Fury warriors farming BWL and "progressing" in AQ40, the GM armor isn't worth the trouble. I will take the fist weapon set for my Christmas present, even if their stats are obsolete. I wonder if the gems would be a better investment, in the long run.
Some interesting patterns have emerged on the battlegrounds. Much of the opposition is now low to middle rank, compared with before the patch. These players seem to be new blood rather than alts, since our win rate (Alliance) in WSG and AB is much higher than before. I'm sure the effect is symmetrical: premades on both sides are doing better than ever.
Our win rate in AV has plummeted, however. I am astounded to see the Horde zerging our keep on a regular basis, just as we have always zerged theirs. This started right after the last patch, but I don't understand the connection between these new tactics and the new honor system.
![[Image: spangles_sig_3.jpg]](https://home.comcast.net/~swesson5/spangles_sig_3.jpg)