12-06-2006, 03:31 PM
Quote:I advised a friend last night and this is what we came up with:Why did you put 2 points into Imp. Bloodrage instead of TM?
It seems pretty obvious that you go to 41/5/0 to get Mortal Strike, Improved Mortal Strike, Endless Rage and Cruelty
Not terribly obvious where to go next from there as nothing very exciting in Prot or Fury is within range
The talent change really hurts. In all honesty, Improved MS is a pretty bad talent, but it's not like there is much choice if you want to get MS... There are simply not enough points to use.
Which is why I simply went Fury for now. And the only way I'd go MS spec right now would be if I had a really good 2-handed mace - mace specialization helps a lot.