Head Of Broodlord?
Hey all,

ever wondered what this was for........me too, and since i just turned it in i went searching for the info on thotbot....here's what i found......Long questline.

1) What Tomorrow Brings

NPC in Cenarion Hold says "Hey guys I hear there's a dragon who despawns at 20% and says something about it not being his time in Tanaris." You go see Anachronos at the Caverns of Time -- return to CH, tell the NPC.

(Everyone can do this.)

2) Only One May Rise

The Cenarion NPC is excited to hear of the return of the Bronze Dragonflight. Maybe ancient bonds can be reforged and they can again work together against their common enemy. He asks you to prove yourself by killing Broodlord Lashlayer. Bring an army, but because only one may rise, only one can loot the head.

(We did this on 1/3/06 -- I looted the head.)

3) The Path of the Righteous

The Cenarion NPC is impressed that we killed Broodlord. But in order to earn the trust of the Bronze Dragonflight, we must work tirelessly to purge their ancient enemies from Silithus. He sends me to Hive'Ashi, Hive'Zora, and Hive'Regal to kill silithids and return with 200 carapace fragments (quest drops, tradeable).

(I did this -- it took maybe 20-30 minutes of grinding with 8 people in Hive'Ashi. The elites drop 1-3 fragments, or up to 4 in Hive'Regal. Nonelites drop 0 or 1.)

4) The Hand of the Righteous

The reward for Step #3 is a one-use badge that lets me make someone else an Agent of Nozdormu. That gives them a soulbound item like an Argent Dawn Commission that allows them to collect fragments from killing Silithids as well. Deputized people don't have any quest themselves, but they can farm carapaces and give them to me. Every 200 carapaces I turn in lets me name another deputy.

This is a repeatable quest. Every turnin of 200 gives me 200 rep with the Brood of Nozdormu. I start, as we all do, at 0/36000 Hated. Over the course of roughly 60 hours, a small army was mobilized. At the end of the first night, I had 5500 of the needed 42000 reputation. My guild turned out in full force throughout the day on Wednesday to help me farm, and most were deputized in the process. By Wednesday afternoon/evening, I had enough carapaces to begin deputizing outside EJ. Generous people from Nocturn, Quarantine, VXIX, Aftermath, GS, and other guilds offered their time to assist in the effort. The farming continued throughout the day on Thursday, and Aeternus generously gave us their gathered carapaces. The end was near by Thursday afternoon, we cancelled our raid plans, and settled in for the final grind. Just before midnight on Thursday night, I reached Neutral with the Brood of Nozdormu.

5) Anachronos

I was sent to talk to Anachronos, at the Caverns of Time. When I got there, first off, he offered me one of three epic signet rings. Note that all players will automatically get these once they hit Neutral with Nozdormu by doing AQ, which will happen quickly. Next, he told me that since perhaps I was truly ready and able to aid them, I would need to learn the history of what I was about to get myself into. He sent me back to Silithus, to gaze into a fragment of a time crystal left in the sands by the wall. When I clicked it, dozens of spectral night-elves, anubisath, qiraji, and silithids phased in around me. I stepped back. We watched a battle unfold between them, with the dragons Caelastrasz, Merithra, and Arygos (red, green, blue) flying in to lend air support as the silithids were overcome. I then watched a conversation between Anachronos and the night-elf Fandral play out, the walls sealed, and the scepter shattered.

These events are depicted and described at great length here:

When I returned to Anachronos, he told me that the scepter had been shattered into four, and that four dragons held them. He has one of them. Azuregos, Eranikus, and Vaelastrasz held the other three, and I was to seek them out.

6) The Charge of the Dragonflights (three parallel paths, each which must be completed)

6a) The Blue Flight

I sought out Azuregos, who had, fortunately, happened to spawn right as I was shuttling between Tanaris and Silithus. I begged the assembled forces to wait until I got there to kill him, and they graciously did, and summoned me. (Thanks again, Nerd/Perdition's.) After an unfortunate misclick, I spoke to Azuregos and learned that he had entrusted his shard to a magical minnow. Yes, a fish. He told me of an arcanite buoy that would lure the fish, and gave me instructions on making one.

One problem: They're in draconic. He mentioned that Narain Soothfancy in Tanaris might be able to help me. So off I went.

He explained to me that I needed to fetch for him three things: his book of draconic language, his lost pair of scrying goggles, and a 500-pound chicken. Three parallel quests.

THE GOGGLES -- Last entrusted to a former friend of his who may be in Silverpine near the Greymane wall. I found him, and just like our good friend Finkle, it seems he was casually strolling through Molten Core and lost them. Thanks, guy. I recently recovered them from an Ancient Core Hound.

THE CHICKEN -- series of miniquests to farm chimeraoks on the Isle of Dread for their meat, kill Lord Lakmaeran for his carcass, bring them all to Dirge Quickcleave in Gadgetzan, season them with deeprock salt and goblin rocket fuel, and then return the horrible product to Narain.

THE BOOK -- This is the big one. He said he buried it on an island south of Tanaris. It's on an island beyond fatigue waters, way off the map. Except that when I got there, I just found a ransom note with instructions on where to bring the money in exchange for his book. Ok, so Narain gives me a bag of rocks (fake gold) and a sweet Narain disguise, and a map to the dropoff point, which was at the SE edge of Winterspring at the cliffs looking down upon Azshara. This step was (Elite) so I brought four friends. I go there, wear the disguise, drop the bag, and Dr. Weavil comes puttering in on his flying machine. He lands, comes out, says he sees right through my disguise (hmm, maybe it was the Sulfuras I was holding), and then gets back into his machine, tells "Number Two" to take care of me, and flies off. A huge yeti-gorilla creature comes out. Kind of like a 5-man instance boss, nothing too bad. He dies. We go back to Narain, who tells me that Dr. Weavil lives on Alcaz Island (NE of Dustwallow). So off we go. We bring a small army to the evil doctor's hideout, and beat him to death. I recover from his corpse one chapter of the book, and a diary chronicling his emo rage as he ripped the book into eight pieces and threw seven of them all over the world. One in Tainted Scar, one in Darkwhisper Gorge, one in Onyxia's chimney, one in Molten Core, one in BWL, one in Undercity, and one in Stormwind (!).

After gathering the chapters and assembling the completed manual, I learned of the various precious materials required to craft the buoy. I presented them, and received the buoy.

We took the buoy to a maelstrom in the Bay of Storms in Azshara, and used it, and up swam Maws, a shark of gigantic proportions. Not too tough, but with 1mil hp, frenzies like Magmadar, and an AoE, so it took a little while. From its corpse I retrieved the Blue Scepter Shard. One down, two to go!

6b) The Green Flight

This was cool. I went to see the sleeping shade of Eranikus in ST. As soon as I entered the room, Malfurion Stormrage phased in between me and the dragon. He told me that Eranikus has been corrupted by the Old Gods and that I needed to cleanse him in order to recover the scepter shard. He sends me to speak with an agent of his outside of Darnassus(!). I did that. The agent sent me to Keeper Remulos in Moonglade. Remulos told me of Eranikus's corruption, and how he wants nothing more than revenge upon Malfurion and upon the Moonglade. He might be lured into a trap, but it would require the recovery of four shards of the corrupted dream, from each of the four dragon portals around the world. Three of them are held by the dragonkin near the portals (raredrops from the dragonkin; they do not drop from the green dragons themselves). The fourth is in Duskwood, which has no trash, but where a demonic Twilight Corruptor awaited me, phasing in as I approached the moonwell there. He was tough (40-man raid mob), but we took him out. The drop rate on the other fragments is awful -- it took 3.5 hours of nonstop farming in Feralas to get that one, and 1.5+ at Hinterlands. Ashenvale has so few dragonkin that it also proved problematic with the new lengthened respawns, but at last we had all four shards.

I brought them back to Keeper Remulos in the Moonglade, and he used them to lay a trap for Eranikus. Eranikus has been in the corrupted Emerald Dream, twisted by the will of the Old Gods, brooding and yearning for revenge against Malfurion and the Cenarion Circle. The fragments were used to open a portal into the heart of the Dream, and Eranikus emerged over the Moonglade lake. With hundreds of people gathered to defend Moonglade (and to watch), an epic battle was waged against dozens of Nightmare Phantasms that emerged from the portal, as Eranikus hovered menacingly in the skies. Aeternus, Aftermath, Advent, LoH, Exordium, and countless others, all turned out to assist us, and I thank them. As the phantasms were defeated, Eranikus landed to do the job himself. He was controlled, and we began to wear him down. As the fight went on, Tyrande arrived from Darnassus (the point of my trip to Darnassus had been to covertly notify her) with a half-dozen Priestesses of the Moon riding white tigers. They healed the army as we continued to rain blows on Eranikus, and Tyrande and Remulos fought against him side-by-side. As he weakened further, Tyrande channelled the powers of Elune in a prayer to redeem the cursed dragon. He thrashed and resisted, but ultimately the light of Elune overcame him. He suddenly ceased fighting. The dragon vanished, and in its place lay a crumpled night-elf on the ground. He stood up and haltingly apologized for all the harm he had wrought, and left to attempt to begin to make amends for his actions. Before leaving, however, he entrusted me with the green scepter shard that Anachronos had given him long ago. I returned it to Anachronos.

Anachronos now holds the blue and green shards, in addition to the bronze one he has kept. Only one remains:

6c) The Red Flight
Vaelastrasz was entrusted with the red shard. Unfortunately, he ran into a bit of trouble. He lay injured and defeated inside Blackwing Lair, having been overpowered and injured by Nefarian. Talking to him, before the fight, he told me that Nefarian had taken the shard, and was seeking to corrupt its power and destroy it. If I wanted it, I was going to have to reach Nefarian and get it back... before it was destroyed.

So, a race to clear BWL. We frantically tore through the zone to reach Nefarian, as he taunted us and proclaimed his victory along the way. We got there in ample time. We killed Nefarian, and we took the shard back from his corpse.

I hurried to Anachronos in Tanaris, and brought him the shard.

He heralded me as the true champion and savior of Kalimdor, and handed me the reconstructed Scepter of the Shifting Sands, to be used when the Horde and the Alliance were ready to wage war against the forces of C'Thun

Fun huh, well if you need me i'll be in Silithus, grinding the next 2 months away, lol!!!


Messages In This Thread
Head Of Broodlord? - by mistique - 11-19-2006, 01:19 AM
Head Of Broodlord? - by Mirajj - 11-19-2006, 07:20 AM
Head Of Broodlord? - by TheDragoon - 11-19-2006, 02:18 PM
Head Of Broodlord? - by Mordekhuul - 11-19-2006, 03:49 PM
Head Of Broodlord? - by Tuftears - 11-20-2006, 08:13 PM

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