11-14-2006, 04:30 PM
Quote:Awesome job! Definitely value our Lurker friends in our raids. Our little two-guild effort seems to have a lot of friends in the server as well, really...go figure =)
We couldn't do it without you guys either. It's a team effort, it's a team win. Much love to our crew! Great folks and players in all of our guilds involved. Big props to our healing crew. We learn fast.:D
BTW, Chrommie is actually easier for horde than for alliance. Poison and disease cleansing totems ftw! So much easier to clear off debuffs when you can clear off an entire party of two different debuffs with just one cast. Well, two casts if you've got both poison and disease debuffing your folks at the same time.;)
Intolerant monkey.