Nightfall preview event
I know Guild Wars isn't something the Lounge has traditionally been interested in, but I thought I'd post this anyways.

The next chapter of the game, Nightfall, is coming out in October and in anticipation of that ArenaNet is holding a World Preview Event this weekend to showcase the game and get interest stirring. You can get the details, as well as an access key here: -- The official site ( also has a lot more information about Nightfall in its entirety.

The game has become pretty radically different from the way it was back before the first game was released and since a lot of people played the beta events for that and were turned off, this is a good opportunity to see how the game has progressed. The two new classes being showcased this weekend are the Dervish and the Paragon. Dervishes use scythes and have some pretty massive attack power, whereas the Paragon uses throwing spears and is more of a mid-line support player. They were previewed slightly a couple months ago so I'm looking forward to seeing how they've progressed.

One of the things worth mentioning about Nightfall is that the PvE system is being revamped. You're going to be able to get a new type of NPC (a Hero) to travel with you. You'll be able to change their skills and equipment and give them basic orders as to what to do, making them more usable than the standard hench AI. While it'll still be better to travel with people you know, this will give you another option for when nobody is around. There will also be a new arena where you can take 3 of your heroes and go against someone else and 3 of their heroes.

I'll be on quite a bit this weekend trying everything out, so if you want to, add Lurker Wyrm to your friends list. If you want it, I'll give you a guild invitation so you can hang out with RB. We're in the ZoS alliance, so even if there aren't that many people online in RB at the time, there are bound to be plenty of people you can group with if you don't want to solo.

Just as a last note, the content they stream over for the event is roughly 450 MB (probably more if you're doing a fresh GW install), so you may want to install the client beforehand and then run the game once with the "-image" switch in the command line to decompress everything. Once it does that take "-image" out of the command line and the load times will be drastically reduced.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
Guild Wars account: Lurker Wyrm

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Nightfall preview event - by Wyrm - 09-20-2006, 08:41 PM

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