09-10-2006, 05:31 AM
Quote:If it's your time to go how would you choose to go? He didn't do what he did just because he enjoyed it, he also did it to help animals and to educate people. He would have continued to do so even without all the money being thrown his way. I'm sure his last thoughts were something like that, but the fact remains that he died while doing something he enjoyed, not just for himself but for others. Even if it was because of his lifestyle it was still a freak accident. He could have been out there for recreational purposes and not for filming, and it still would have happened. Wrong place, wrong time, that's all it takes no matter who you are or what you are doing. If your lucky you will die while doing something you love to do, either that or in your sleep:PI guess I'm just looking for some closure on some projects I'm working on. One is 4, and the other is 6 now. I want to be a responsible dad and get my sons ready for life. I also would like to think that some of what I do is beneficial for the planet, but I tend to view that as just responsible living. Sort of like, pay for what you consume and leave the planet a little better off for you being here.