Quote: ... But what do I know? Everything I say is based on emotion, and not logic, right?The Christians are using logic too. I was just saying that to deny the metaphysical because one cannot sense it is being a tad closed minded. Christians believe in that when Christ said "I am the son of the living God" it is truth. They have logical (and spiritual) reasons to believe what he said was accurate, that the apostles witnessed it and historical records documented Christ's actions somewhat accurately in the New Testament as well as other historical Roman, Syrian, Greek, Egyptian and Jewish documents of that time.
Others believe (although they probably have not seen it for themselves) that someone has detected echoes of a big bang that might indicate the age of the universe. It seems more plausible to them, because they can comprehend it. They believe it is true, because it makes more sense in their worldview where scientists observe the known reality and try to figure out how it got here. They have faith in sciences' ability to answer their questions about the nature of reality.
Christianity might not make sense to them, or other atheists, but these people believe that there is something other than just this physical observable reality. Not because they've seen it, but because they've been told about it by people they believe have seen it.
edited: to make more 3rd person.