08-27-2006, 05:54 PM
> A lot of these numbers seem to confirm what a lot of people
> have suspected - an aggro-esque attack ranking system.
***What is "aggro-esque attack ranking system"?
> Some skills do no effect a monster directly, but still have a rating.
> Fanaticism is a good example of this, with a rating of 8.
> Is this a fluke, or does this mean any paladin who equips Fanaticism
> indirectly makes himself a 'level 8' target? Similar question with barb's BO or BC.
***What is a "level 8" target?
> have suspected - an aggro-esque attack ranking system.
***What is "aggro-esque attack ranking system"?
> Some skills do no effect a monster directly, but still have a rating.
> Fanaticism is a good example of this, with a rating of 8.
> Is this a fluke, or does this mean any paladin who equips Fanaticism
> indirectly makes himself a 'level 8' target? Similar question with barb's BO or BC.
***What is a "level 8" target?