08-16-2006, 02:22 AM
Quote:Yes, lets stop forbidding things. That is why we should stop with the silliness of preventing people carrying their guns onboard airplanes (after all, remove guns, they pick knifes, remove knives they pick liquid explosives, remove liquid explosives they pick....). After all, it is far better going after the root cause, right? Then we should stop preventing states getting nuclear weapons, give it to everyone. After all, if they don't get nukes, they use normal weapons, if they don't get normal weapons they use other means to cause harm (like ariplanes or what not)..... Lets have this society were nothing is forbidden for anyone. It should work, no? Lets just go after the root causes and problems solved. No? So simple, after all, it is the persons behind the tool that is the problem no? So why all this preventive rules on what is not allowed? Personally I get sick of people claiming that one can just go after the problem and people instead and everything should be allowed. For some reason they seems to feel the limit is always at the "I want a gun" (for target practising).I bet you could take any random flight and arm every person on board, and not have to worry about a thing. Peaceful people wouldn't need to use a weapon, and if given one wouldn't suddenly develop impulses to take control of the plane.
Why not do both?