Equilibrium is the best movie you've never seen
Quote:My brother and I have a disagreement over this movie, I feel that the "best," most touching moment was when our hero protects the puppy, this being the turning point of the movie. As an animal lover, this of course is moving to me. My brother is a much more visual person and felt that the first sunrise our hero sees was the "best" point of the movie.

The puppy scene was great. I love the look Bale gives when the helpless puppy jumps into his arms.

[Image: vlcsnap1249838hw2.jpg]

[Image: vlcsnap1250061cn7.jpg]

It's like someone tossed him a hand grenade.

I personally feel that the most touching scene was when he heard Beethoven.

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Equilibrium is the best movie you've never seen - by DeeBye - 08-12-2006, 04:25 AM

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