07-24-2006, 10:13 PM
Quote:I know well the adventures of Brother Francis becuase I have been following his progress on the AB:)Cool.:)I won't bore you with repeating details then.
Just to let you know, Diablo isn't much easier in Nightmare, though he probably would be much more manageable with more +skills on my summons and fewer equipment restrictions on Francis letting him spend less time doing the "avoid the LBoD dance." I tried him twice last night, after getting a sol on my nightmare hellforge (which actually didn't annoy me as much as it otherwise might, since I needed a sol for my cleric paladin for an Insight stick for his merc).
The first time, I cleared the CS and started fighting him, and partway through the battle, the game lagged out abruptly. I saved and exited as soon as I realized I was lagged, and was very happy not to arrive in channel invisible or in robes. The game was gone, so I had to start again.:angry::rolleyes:
The second time I got as far as the chaos sanctuary before I realized I was too tired to continue, so I stopped for the night.
I hope for better luck in the future. The best of luck to you as well.