07-18-2006, 12:31 PM
Quote:Dire Wolves, definitely. Spirit Wolves will evaporate in nothing flat against the higher-end enemies in the game, no matter how much you invest in toughening them up. And the damage they do in return is pitiful. Dire Wolves also remove corpses, thereby shutting down shaman-type monsters (which are far too numerous and powerful since the advent of 1.1x).
Not much to say today except that Duriel has been crumped soundly and safely. I ran around the other tombs first and met up with my old buddy Kaa the Soulless for grins and giggles. Been finding tons of rares and gambling away money so I can get some nice equipment for my mercenary. I dropped a point into carrion vine, and I don't think I've touched a red since, and my belt is now full of blues. Duriel himself was a little bit of a challenge. I stuck with the Dires fo killing him, and after he trounced my poison creeper about 10 times, I gave up using it against him. The first couple minutes he spent hitting my mercenary, and I had to go back to town to keep him from dying, I gambled a nice stick for him to use while doing this. After about the third TP, Duriel decided to switch targets and go after my wolves. I just kept summoning them as he killed them, and I'd have to say he made dogfood of about 40 of them. All the while he was doing this, Emilio (my mercenary) was happily and slowly poking away at him. All of this was on /players8 like normal. I'll see how A3 treats me tonight.
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation - Henry David Thoreau
Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and at the rate I'm going, I'm going to be invincible.
Chicago wargaming club
Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and at the rate I'm going, I'm going to be invincible.
Chicago wargaming club