07-13-2006, 05:34 PM
Quote:There is a patch for the full game that addresses the inventory stack thing, and later on in the game storage bags are earned through quests. Like D2, you'll never have enough storage for all the stuff you find.
Money can be important because later on vendors sell things worth buying, and there are Mystics that will allow you to buy back spent skill points for gold. Potions also get incredibly expensive in higher difficulties.
Riddle me this, tunic'd crusader... after visiting the "official website" I'm thouroghly unimpressed by the amount of info available on item types, game play, etc. I checked the skill calculator that you linked to previously and found it interesting to think about the type of character I might like to play, but I had to crawl around the "Gamebanshee" site that it linked to to find a listing of the skills along with their stats. I guess that site would be the equivalent of the Arreat Summit, but is there a fan site analagous to the LL or AB? I'm guessing there hasn't been enough elepsed gameplay since release to develop a full strat based community, but have you come across any consolidated source of info on what's working and what's not?
but often it happens you know / that the things you don't trust are the ones you need most....
Opening lines of "Psalm" by Hey Rosetta!
Opening lines of "Psalm" by Hey Rosetta!