Windfury Totem vs Grace of Air Totem
OK so this post has changed I was trying to do an analysis and realized I kept screwing it up so now I'm asking a question.

So the conventional wisdom I hear is that warriors want windfury totem and rogues want grace of air totem when trying to max out damage. I've been in some conversations that make me wonder about this.

Windfury totem:
Enchants main hand weapon giving you a 20% chance per hit to get an extra attack that has an additional 315 AP.

Grace of Air totem:
77 agi can be improved by 15% to grant 88.55 agi.

29 agi = 1% crit
1 agi = 1 AP
1 agi = 2 armor
14.5 agi = 1% dodge

20 agi = 1% crit
1 agi = 2 armor
20 agi = 1% dodge

So a talented GoA is
3.05% crit
88.5 AP
6.10 % dodge
177 armor

4.43% crit
4.43% dodge
177 armor

Rage Generation:
Rage for damage done: Damage / (charLevel * 0.5)
Rage for getting hit: Damage / (charLevel * 1.5)

When a lvl 60 hits:
100 damage = 3.3 rage
500 damage = 16.6 rage
1000 damage = 33.3 rage

When a lvl 60 gets hit:
100 damage = 1.1 rage
500 damage = 5.5 rage
1000 damage = 11.1 rage

Getting hit doesn't really matter because I'm wondering about damage on a tanked mob.

I'm posting because I start to fall down when doing WoW calculations I'm not good at factoring in special attacks and dealing with the way the hit tables work.

Now I'm not clear on this (which is sad since it so basic to the game):

Damage = (Avg Weapon Damage) + ( (AP/14) * wspd )
DPS = (Avg Weap Dmg)/wspd + (AP/14)

Instant attacks use normalized weapons speeds for all that right?
* Two-handed weapons - 3.3
* Daggers - 1.7
* All other one-handed weapons - 2.4

So yeah I was trying to work this out but kept failing. At first blush WF still seems like it will beat out GoA for a rogue but I'm failing at the math (I'll blame it on differential equaions being the last math class I had and that was now 10 years ago).
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

Messages In This Thread
Windfury Totem vs Grace of Air Totem - by Kevin - 07-07-2006, 04:55 PM
Windfury Totem vs Grace of Air Totem - by Quark - 07-07-2006, 09:58 PM
Windfury Totem vs Grace of Air Totem - by Treesh - 07-07-2006, 11:44 PM
Windfury Totem vs Grace of Air Totem - by Quark - 07-08-2006, 01:52 PM
Windfury Totem vs Grace of Air Totem - by Mavfin - 07-09-2006, 10:12 PM
Windfury Totem vs Grace of Air Totem - by Kevin - 07-14-2006, 03:39 PM
Windfury Totem vs Grace of Air Totem - by Quark - 07-14-2006, 04:24 PM

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