06-21-2006, 09:54 AM
Quote:It's already here and Mogo is still 30 resto, 21 enhancement. I get put in the DPS warriors/rogue groups a lot so having both strength of earth and grace of air improved is a good thing. I do still solo, 5 and 10 man so being able to off-tank (or just tank if we're short on warriors and druids) is a good thing and her healing power isn't that weak either so I can still healbot in the 20 and 40 mans just fine.:) I do wish I had enough points to cut down Healing Wave's cast time, but the other stuff is just too tasty. I'd also like to have Healing Way and Nature's Guidance maxed out, but again, not enough points for everything I want so I have to pick and choose.That's basically a Healer build I'd choose, too. My build has a slight variation in the Enhancement tree, because I don't want to to miss Imp. Ghost Wolf and Imp. Lightning Shield
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller