Poem Thread?
I don't believe I've ever seen a poem thread here at the Lounge before. I thought it would be nice to start one since I recently felt the creative urge to write one (or something like one) for the first time in years. I thought it would fun for others to share their poems also.

Poem preface: I've been working night shifts lately (not used to them at all) and having to help out at my kids school in the morning. I'm so tired lately, I can't seem to remember what I'm suppose to be doing from one moment to the next.

I haven't been to this location (at work) for awhile and last time I was there, I guess you could say I left on a bad note. Now I'm back for two weeks only to find everyone is still doing the same old things. I feel like I'm the only one that's changed and I guess this made me feel a bit down, but I'm not sure why. I wrote this poem I'd like to share. Hopefully posting this will help me get it off of my chest.


Life has lost its luster!
Grand adventures now whisk by like a dull roar that leaves the soul feeling empty, deprived of what was once excitement.

Life has no purpose!
Things that once had meaning and great depth are now repeating idioms, redundant in their inception and lacking of anything new.

Life is boring!
Loathsome and foul are the clichés of our modern world – have fun, be happy, but spend money doing it, whatever it may be.

What is the meaning of life?
Is it happiness? What is happiness? I suppose happiness is being content; not inspired, excited, or overjoyed – none of these! Content is complacence, being acclimated with our environment and being at peace with it. To sum it up, the purpose of our lives is to become secure of our complacence threw mastery of repetition. I’d ask myself rather this analogy were good or bad, but I’ve already set myself up to not care. Thus is the way of the world.

Did I once enjoy my life now past?
What has become of it now? The answers to my initial questions have only spawned more… questions. Oh, how I have changed. Nothing good, nothing bad.

"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

Messages In This Thread
Poem Thread? - by Taem - 06-08-2006, 06:41 AM
Poem Thread? - by Rinnhart - 06-08-2006, 10:39 AM
Poem Thread? - by Maitre - 06-08-2006, 12:11 PM
Poem Thread? - by Occhidiangela - 06-08-2006, 03:19 PM
Poem Thread? - by Nystul - 06-08-2006, 04:27 PM
Poem Thread? - by [wcip]Angel - 06-08-2006, 09:52 PM
Poem Thread? - by Maitre - 06-09-2006, 03:33 PM

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