Quote:Should I respec Marn?
Respeccing is cheap. Wondering all the time if the grass might be greener isn't :) I say try it and see. If like swirly you miss your tough pet and utility, then respec back.
Right now we're at the point that I wear DPS gear and try to keep up even while solo healing in a 5 man. We'll be fine in five man situations with a semi gimped pet. Don't worry about us, do what you want to do.
Not having played a hunter since a pre-talent one in beta, take my comments with a grain of salt. I agree with Mirajj about Wyvern Sting -- it seems to be a PvP talent. For CC, a trap is better or a BM pet is better. I suppose you can sting and then pet tank after, but your pet will stand around for the 12 seconds most likely, or you'll be fussing around switching the pet target for most of the 12 seconds cutting down on your DPS. Also I believe that the damage from the sting will be aggro to you, and the pet will be behind establishing aggro if you try that.
As far as Trueshot vs. Lightning Reflexes -- how are the groups organized with the hunters? As a healer the groupings never matter much (I only care if Bifrost or a mana tide shaman is in my party). I'm wondering if you are generally paired with other hunters and therefore get Trueshot for free in a raid anyway.
What about improved hawk? Just being an ignorant priest, it looks pretty good for raiding. Wait.. what does 'normal' ranged attacks mean? Autoshot only?