06-02-2006, 11:28 AM
If you poke the same nerve enough it gets numb. If you poke at the dike long enough you will break it. Persistence in a democracy is sometimes as effective as persuasion. Look at what is acceptable in high schools or at changes in movies from the 50, and 60's. Even some of what is considered PG13 in 2006 would have been banned in the 50's.
I've seen it work for both sides here in the US. For the liberals, the ACLU has doggedly pursued particular agenda's and eventually build up enough case law for precedents. Some of it is bizarre, like trying to get the Ten Commandments removed from courthouse monuments, some of which have been in place for many decades. On the conservative side the Right to Life people have doggedly been involved in their crusade long enough to start reversing laws and legal precedence and is getting enough of their advocates in all 3 branches of government.
Here also, the NAMBLA folks are crafting themselves after the Gay rights, and Civil rights movements. They label any laws they disagree with as discriminitory and institutionalized bigotry, and in general attack the Judeo-Christian moral basis of western society and juris prudence. This gets back to our earlier discussions on the "Rape of the Ape". As a libertarian, I'm certainly no puritan. But, I believe in the need for a moral basis for societal law crafted around the norm of society rather than the least common denominator.
Let's hope some sanity prevails and Amsterdam doesn't become known as the place to go to legally smoke hash, and have all forms of taboo sex. What the liberals in the NL should fear is back lash by the conservatives which forces you to take sides with the twisted sick.
I've seen it work for both sides here in the US. For the liberals, the ACLU has doggedly pursued particular agenda's and eventually build up enough case law for precedents. Some of it is bizarre, like trying to get the Ten Commandments removed from courthouse monuments, some of which have been in place for many decades. On the conservative side the Right to Life people have doggedly been involved in their crusade long enough to start reversing laws and legal precedence and is getting enough of their advocates in all 3 branches of government.
Here also, the NAMBLA folks are crafting themselves after the Gay rights, and Civil rights movements. They label any laws they disagree with as discriminitory and institutionalized bigotry, and in general attack the Judeo-Christian moral basis of western society and juris prudence. This gets back to our earlier discussions on the "Rape of the Ape". As a libertarian, I'm certainly no puritan. But, I believe in the need for a moral basis for societal law crafted around the norm of society rather than the least common denominator.
Let's hope some sanity prevails and Amsterdam doesn't become known as the place to go to legally smoke hash, and have all forms of taboo sex. What the liberals in the NL should fear is back lash by the conservatives which forces you to take sides with the twisted sick.