06-01-2006, 01:56 PM
Quote:I'm not sure everyone heard by now, But I am astounded what my little country (the Netherlands) has barfed up now.... I'll take a press copy.What message are these activists sending? "My libido is more important than your, or any, child's healthy development." That strikes me as very selfish, very much "It's all about me!"
(my lovely little country is in an uproar about this of course).
Now let's hope people won't lynch them before they publish the names of everyone who would be associated with such a party.
Every so often I get the feeling that
- The Fundamentalist Christians have a point about secular society's lack of a moral compass<>
- The Fundamentalist Muslims have a point about the Modern World/West to being decadent beyond repair<>
- The exporting (and obvious encouragement) of underage sex tourism into Southeast Asia for the past decades will come home to roost. Apparently it now has, and it is "our children rather than their children . . . " so the Netherlands just woke up. :angry:<>
Didn't the Germans pass a law a few years ago, to the effect that sex tourism in other countries (with minors) by German citizens was punishable in Germany? Details rusty. German Lurkers, can you help?
I have no problem with the age of consent being 15 or 16. That does not imply that 15/16 year olds should be 'open season,' with adults as hunters, but it puts a premium on smart decision making and "teach your children well." You can't bubble wrap kids forever. Raising the age of consent has achieved an increase in statutory rape cases being prosecuted, and more people in prison. To what beneficial end? I am not sure. I don't think it has done much to stop people having irresponsible sex. The raised age has not curbed teen pregnancy as a social blight. My view on that may be skewed by South Texas being a national leader in teen pregnancy. (Makes ya proud, doesn't it? :P )
No law can change the bad decisions young men and young women make, but the social issue at hand is predatory exploitation. OK, how do minors get cut loose to become prey to exploiters?
When it comes to adults having sex with minors, I lean toward the idea that a healthy society nurtures its children rather than exploiting them, and that a family has the primary responsibility for that nurturing. (Mr Spears, Mr Olsen, take note!)
On the related matter, pornography involving minors is a bad idea. Some things are suitable for leaving until the age of majority: voting, military service, and participation in porn productions among them. (There is a common theme of "a royal screwing" in there that I will leave for another time. :P )
There is a time and place for everything. Time? Age of majority. Place? Per the song: "The Internet is for porn . . .":lol:
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete