With my Martini and Music, I'd like an Olive
I haven't seen or heard one of these yet. I don't think it will do anything that your computer (depending on soundcard) can't do already, but it has the advantages of not being your computer, and the simplicity that comes with a more specialized tool. Overall, it looks very convenient.

One alternative I have seen is the Squeezebox or Airport Express. Basically these are simple mechanisms to access music from your computer hard drive via wireless network or ethernet and play it to your stereo, amp, or whatever. So they are much cheaper, but not nearly capable of as many tricks. In this case, you would need a soundcard with good analog to digital conversion for your LPs (no matter what you will need a good turntable and phono stage, but I assume you have this covered already), and enough free hard drive space to store both your ripped CDs and converted LPs in ALAC or FLAC format.

Personally, my livingroom, bedroom, and computer room are all one room. So none of these devices are really worth anything for me until I move to some place with more quiet rooms. But even then, I'm afraid I would spend far more time in front of the computer and not much time listening to music in the livingroom.

As for the LPs, I own Born to Run, but only listen to the CD. That covers my vinyl collection.

Messages In This Thread
With my Martini and Music, I'd like an Olive - by Nystul - 05-24-2006, 07:13 PM

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