05-24-2006, 01:31 AM
Quote:Angel' date='May 23 2006, 09:26 PM' post='110573']
Hmm. I have a virus now, but I don't know if it's because of the LL, or if it's because of a shady-looking exe-file I downloaded the day before yesterday. The virus manifested as pop-ups until I downloaded and ran 3-4 spyware/anti-virus-programmes. Now the problem manifests in bluescreens...
Later today I will get my topic for my master's thesis presentation which I have 10 days to complete. If my computer is riddled with viruses and frequent bluescreens and hampers my work, I am going to cry.
I know earlier you mentioned you have lots of storage space for um... certain "groups" on the internet. Save yourself the trouble and find some space to back things up in their own partition, take a dump of your operating system and important files that aren't already backed up, and store it. Then just swap in a reformat of your OS. Deal with the problem once you are done with the thesis presentation. Last thing you need to deal with is a nasty virus!