05-03-2006, 04:25 AM
oldmandennis,May 3 2006, 12:02 AM Wrote:Lots of MC fights require 5. Aside from that, you rarely need more then 3 TANKS, who will be soaking up lots of punishment over a long period of time that makes advisable all of the investment in prot talents.
Not really.
Past the 15-point talents, such as Defiance, Protection offers only a tidbit for raiding tanks.
Improved Sunder Armor is somewhat redundant; you're going to be taking enough damage from bosses (and even trash, until you're geared up and wading around with six layers of eight inch thick supermagical plate mail) that you'll basically never be seen wanting for Rage to burn.
Concussion Blow has extremely few uses in most raids (I believe AQ20/ZG trash is stunnable, however), given that pretty much everything is immune to stuns to prevent Rogues from owning the world.
Likewise Improved Shield Bash; most bosses are immune to silence, and most are immune to interrupts as well.
Improved Shield Wall would certainly qualify as being a great talent (for raiding only, where 30 minutes isn't too terribly long, given set-up times and all that fun micromanagement) if it was a 15-pointer; might actually be useful for non-raid tanks if it was that low in the tree.
One-Handed Weapon Specialization increases your damage (aggro) output and Rage generation a decent amount (and also increases Shield Slam and Shield Bash damage), but Rage generation is very rarely an issue for raid tanks, and Defiance basically does the same thing for a lot fewer points into Protection.
Shield Slam is a questionable skill. It's great for an aggro-generating ragedump, but Sunder continues to produce aggro at its usual rate regardless of how many are already on the target, and all other excess Rage is generally going to be spammed off with Revenge combos, Shield Bash, and Heroic Strike spam in conjunction with a speedy weapon. It's useful and somewhat fun to play with, but as far as tanking goes, it's hardly worth 31 points.
After you get Toughness, Last Stand, and Defiance, you have pretty much the best raid-tanking talents you can get; Anticipation and Shield Specialization (plus 1/3 Improved Shield Block) are interchangeable, depending on your gear state (Ant is great when you're decked out in so-so gear, but after you start getting more of your tier2 set, the +10 Defense isn't so hot compared to the additional blocking action.)
In fact, you might end up being better served with a 31/5/15 tank, especially if he's Swords; he'll have a damage boost from Sword Specialization AND Mortal Strike, which is going to be more useful more often than Shield Slam, since the MS debuff is insanely powerful.
I'm full (31) Protection purely by choice; the silence and stuns are golden in PvP, and I've always preferred my Warriors to have the image of an unstoppable behemoth rather than a damage-dealing juggernaut (though I'll admit the idea of being an Orc berserker has crossed my mind.)
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
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The original Heavy Metal Cowâ¢. USDA inspected, FDA approved.