05-02-2006, 08:40 PM
MongoJerry,May 2 2006, 03:25 PM Wrote:It's way too early for calculations. Wait for the 1.11 beta to come out and then see.
I agree. I also agree that the number that it does use will make a difference too, if it operates off just your own HoT's or any druid's HoT's, etc. We don't have enough info to really talk this in depth about it. But theorycraft is fun.
What Tufty calculated makes it kinda like Holy Shock but with no offensive abilities. I've used Holy Shock as a decent "Oh crap" button and it working with Divine Favor made it just that much better.
It has to be better than just letting the HoT do a tick for you. It will have to hit in the 1 to 1.5 K range to be a good "Oh crap" button. Or it will have to have a short cool down and a high mana efficiency to make it some kind of healing kick at the end of rejuv/regrowth set-up, but that isn't what I figure it will be or what it is targeted at. Too much to track to be efficient with that. I don't think mana efficiency is something it needs to be all that concerned about as a 2nd "oh crap" button either. If it isn't intended to work as another "oh crap" button I don't see it being worth anything either.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.