Innervate for all Druids!
Quark,May 2 2006, 12:37 PM Wrote:If you want to heal, now, why not just spec 30 Feral, 21 Resto?

Before it was "good enough" to get you by healing, and now you'll have Innervate on top of that.

Actually as you'll see I didn't think you even needed that. Innervate was a lure that really impacted the raid but not me as much and I thought really hard about doing a 30 feral/21 resto build because I thought that would be the best druid healer as it was. I didn't think it was good enough, I thought it was the best as it was.

That is why I was against it at first. What would the point of being 31 resto be now? Why even bother when it wasn't the best healing build to being with.

Well now, again depending on just what they do with swiftmend, it really could make you the obviously best healing build. Sure a 30 feral / 21 resto will have most of the big healing toys, but having two oh crap buttons really could make me that much better. I've had times where I used NS to save someone and someone else died because it was in cooldown. Now I might be able to save both of them and the 30/21 couldn't. It's been rare that me being out of mana has caused someone to die because in most of those cases there were other healers who did have the mana and didn't have other people they really needed to heal. Innervate was big in situations where the raid just didn't have enough healing (be it because of gearing levels, not enough healers, not good enough people at the keyboards, bad luck and too many people dying but the raid hanging on, it's been really huge there). Innervate rarely felt like the difference maker, sometimes it was, the epic firemaw fight, wipe without innervate. But many times I saw it used on priests who were dry but there were two other priests at 75% mana, the dry priest thought it was a wipe saver, I didn't. Setting up a rotation in that situation very well could have made innervate pointless.

Innervate is a difference maker spell, no argument there. But two instant heals could still be more powerful. Sure all the druids will have innervate now, but only restos will be able to NS after that crit, crush, shadowflame and then swiftmend the next time it happens so that the boss never leaves the MT. I think if they do it right it could make me feel like I'm that much better of a healer. Sure it might be a case of cast rejuv then cast swiftmend but that isn't any different than hit NS, hit Healing Touch.

I understand why you think it's really bad, I felt that way too, but I like a unique ability that is out of reach of other builds.

The talents I would have to give up in order to get to NS right now is a huge difference in DPS (natural weapons and omen of clarity is a big DPS difference in raids, omen of clarities DPS addition is very under rated in raids) and is the biggest reason I didn't go 30 feral / 21 resto. I didn't go 31 resto because while innervate is huge my healing was strong enough to make me feel I had the flexibility. I'm still thinking that swiftmend done right could make the healing feel that much better to give up all that I would have to to get it because it will make a difference in every type of healing I do, 5 man, 20 man, 40 man, solo, duo. Innervate doesn't make a difference in most of those situations. The extra tanking and DPS ability I have right now does. Swifmend looks like it could.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

Messages In This Thread
Innervate for all Druids! - by vor_lord - 05-02-2006, 06:31 AM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Watto44 - 05-02-2006, 07:29 AM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Quark - 05-02-2006, 11:14 AM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Watto44 - 05-02-2006, 01:01 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Warlock - 05-02-2006, 01:56 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Mavfin - 05-02-2006, 02:00 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Sir_Die_alot - 05-02-2006, 02:38 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Treesh - 05-02-2006, 03:11 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Xanthix - 05-02-2006, 03:32 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Quark - 05-02-2006, 03:39 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Tuftears - 05-02-2006, 04:08 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Bun-Bun - 05-02-2006, 04:30 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by MongoJerry - 05-02-2006, 04:48 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by VoiceMan - 05-02-2006, 05:35 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Quark - 05-02-2006, 05:37 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Kevin - 05-02-2006, 05:59 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Kevin - 05-02-2006, 06:18 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Tuftears - 05-02-2006, 07:26 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by vor_lord - 05-02-2006, 07:38 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Hedon - 05-02-2006, 08:07 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by MongoJerry - 05-02-2006, 08:25 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Tal - 05-02-2006, 08:29 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by MongoJerry - 05-02-2006, 08:34 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Kevin - 05-02-2006, 08:40 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Tuftears - 05-02-2006, 08:43 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Warlock - 05-02-2006, 08:57 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Kevin - 05-02-2006, 09:22 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Mavfin - 05-02-2006, 09:23 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Rinnhart - 05-02-2006, 09:30 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Mavfin - 05-02-2006, 09:37 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Rinnhart - 05-02-2006, 09:53 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by lemekim - 05-02-2006, 09:56 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Treesh - 05-02-2006, 10:05 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Mavfin - 05-02-2006, 10:09 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Warlock - 05-02-2006, 10:18 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Mavfin - 05-02-2006, 10:21 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Zarathustra - 05-02-2006, 10:26 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by MongoJerry - 05-02-2006, 10:43 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Zarathustra - 05-02-2006, 11:31 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by MongoJerry - 05-02-2006, 11:43 PM
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Innervate for all Druids! - by lfd - 05-03-2006, 01:15 AM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Mavfin - 05-03-2006, 01:39 AM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Artega - 05-03-2006, 03:59 AM
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Innervate for all Druids! - by Artega - 05-03-2006, 04:05 AM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Artega - 05-03-2006, 04:13 AM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Artega - 05-03-2006, 04:25 AM
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Innervate for all Druids! - by Xanthix - 05-03-2006, 05:58 AM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Xanthix - 05-03-2006, 06:01 AM
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Innervate for all Druids! - by oldmandennis - 05-03-2006, 06:38 AM
Innervate for all Druids! - by oldmandennis - 05-03-2006, 06:45 AM
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Innervate for all Druids! - by Rinnhart - 05-03-2006, 08:39 AM
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Innervate for all Druids! - by lfd - 05-03-2006, 11:31 AM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Tal - 05-03-2006, 01:04 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by lemekim - 05-03-2006, 02:03 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Artega - 05-03-2006, 02:23 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Mavfin - 05-03-2006, 02:31 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Artega - 05-03-2006, 02:42 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Mavfin - 05-03-2006, 02:52 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Tal - 05-03-2006, 03:37 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Xanthix - 05-03-2006, 04:57 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by oldmandennis - 05-03-2006, 05:55 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Frag - 05-03-2006, 06:21 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Trien - 05-03-2006, 06:54 PM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Trien - 05-04-2006, 01:33 AM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Kevin - 05-04-2006, 01:37 AM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Rudishoes - 05-04-2006, 03:09 AM
Innervate for all Druids! - by Trien - 05-04-2006, 04:07 AM

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