Sir_Die_alot,Apr 13 2006, 02:11 PM Wrote:So I'm out in the cold on this one? =(
I think so this time. There are plenty of other people who'll be playing though.
Quote:I suggest you heal or drink. A fight can go a few seconds before you need to heal. Use those to move your mana bar upward a little. Also if you're doing this right the tank *can't* have all the aggro because people are just blasting. Because of this you will be healing low armor players more.
I suppose we'll have to decide if shackling is a waste of my mana or not. I guarantee once I'm in combat though I'll have time to do some DPS in most fights. Depending on mana levels I may or may not cast a spell for DPS (that's my line about if I get dangerously close to full mana).
I suppose the amount of blasting is one of the things we're trying to gauge -- is waiting for a moment for tank aggro too much? Perhaps. Same with shackling -- might be better to heal through the extra damage taken and take those seconds for more drinking. Perhaps a late shackle (would require coordination to keep it from being broken).