So let me sum up a bunch of things people have contributed (thanks everyone!). We'll start with this, subsequent discussion can revise/change it.
- Conc, Necrali, Fazuul, Octord, Yuri for one group Friday.<>
- Start as soon as Conc gets there.<>
- Limited healing between fights, use bread/water between fights for mana users<>
- Shield tank and CC. Looking for steady progress, DPS should ride the line of pulling aggro but try not to pull it. We'll try to skip shackling to allow Necrali to drink/eat at the start of all fights.<>
- When only one mob is left, try to start the next pull (maybe let Yuri tank it for a bit!)<>
- Necrali will do as much of the healing as possible. Will get innervate if she gets too low. When that is exhausted trade for next fight or two to regen. This will be made most effective if Fazuul has DPS gear and healing gear, and a mod to switch them before a fight. Might not have time to get one set up for him. If not, I suggest some good balanced gear as he'll be DPS, tanking a little, and healing.<>
- Necrali will be sticking to mana free/cheap DPS (wand) unless she starts getting close to full of mana. On pulls where we only have one mob not controlled, generally a renew is sufficient healing. I'll add DPS wherever I can. The new fast greater heal makes switching between wand and healing safer. edit: Perhaps without shackle and a bit of mage tanking, I'll not have much opportunity for DPS.<>
- I like Sir_Die's suggestion about killing ghoul groups rather than shadowcasters if we can make a clear choice.<>
- For CC, decide before we even start how to choose which sheep, for example, always pick left, right, or this particular type (necromancer?) and prefer the left for example. Shadowcasters we can just tank with our casters (I _really_ wish I had the shadow protect book).<>
- After miniboss kill, Yuri and Necrali clear ziggurat, remaining three start next pull with Fazuul healing.<>
- Necrali will announce when the lightwell is available.<>
Changes? Addendums?
edit: Made some changes and addendums