04-11-2006, 05:10 PM
ShadowHM,Apr 10 2006, 10:17 AM Wrote:While you make some good points, Occhi, you raise some further questions, at least for this observer.
1) What is Uninsured Motorist coverage? And how, exactly, is it relevant to the issue of illegal immigration? i.e. Can you point to some (*grins*) more figures that would give a realistic proportion of the uninsured drivers who are illegal immigrants? I have a hard time swallowing your implication that it is close to a 1:1 ratio.
2) What about those employers who do need and hire 'minimum wage' workers and do the wink and nod at the SS number provided and the name thereon? I suspect there are more than a small number of them too.
1) We have the same thing in California..... and the overwhelming majority of uninsured (and unlicensed) motorists are illegals from Mexico. And yes, I also have an uninsured motorist clause in my auto insurance.
2) After living in Cali for 10 years, I have found that those Mexicans who are working and paying into the SS program are *legal*. Those who are not, work for cash.
Also, you are forgetting to mention the free education that their kids are getting.... at my expense. This whole rule of "born in the US - citizen automatically" is complete and utter crap. It gives Mexicans incentive to come here, pop out babies, get social benefits and eventually throgh them get legal.... just for giving birth on US soil. Something stinks about that, don't you think?
Oh and my parents did make minimum wage for the first years or so after coming here..... legally. While there are highschool kids and OTB (off the boat) immigrants, there will never be a shortage of hands for the low paying jobs.... registered and legal hands. Those who deserve their chance and those who do not waive their old county's flags and demand something for nothing. Those who strive to become a part of their new home and not treat it like their old one from which they ran away in the first place. Those who do their best to learn to speak English ASAP and not spend 20-30 years living here and still do not know how to say "How do I get to the nearest Social Security Office" in English.
Yes, this country was built on immigrants. Immigrants who were willing to work hard and appreciated the fact that at least here, their hard work will amount to something instead of demanding that things are given to them like it is their god-given right, for some unknown reason.
It is very important to recognise that this country *was* build by immigrants..... *legal* immigrants.