The majority of illegals do come from Mexico and other Latin American countries. Consider this from a different perspective.
In 2003 an INS report found that 78,000 illegal immigrants came from the Middle East.Although the numbers are smaller than Mexico, this should be a much bigger concern for obvious reasons.
More than 500,000 Chinese have been smuggled into the U.S. since the late 1980s, making them the second-largest undocumented immigrant group.
Considering the Chinese Communist government could place agents here this should also be a greater concern than Mexico.
There are tens of thousands of illegal Irish immigrants. click
Well, the Irish are white and blend into American society better, but there are few countries with a more colorful terrorist track record.
A wall wouldn't help.
Regarding Social Security, illegal households create a combined net benefit for Social Security and Medicare in the billions a year, accounting for some of the total annual surplus in these two programs, because illegals pay into the system, but don't take money out. National Immigration Forum
Obviously illegals are not the drain on America that some of the media and politicians would have you believe. They come to this country to work--not to go on welfare.
In 2003 an INS report found that 78,000 illegal immigrants came from the Middle East.Although the numbers are smaller than Mexico, this should be a much bigger concern for obvious reasons.
More than 500,000 Chinese have been smuggled into the U.S. since the late 1980s, making them the second-largest undocumented immigrant group.
Considering the Chinese Communist government could place agents here this should also be a greater concern than Mexico.
There are tens of thousands of illegal Irish immigrants. click
Well, the Irish are white and blend into American society better, but there are few countries with a more colorful terrorist track record.
A wall wouldn't help.
Regarding Social Security, illegal households create a combined net benefit for Social Security and Medicare in the billions a year, accounting for some of the total annual surplus in these two programs, because illegals pay into the system, but don't take money out. National Immigration Forum
Obviously illegals are not the drain on America that some of the media and politicians would have you believe. They come to this country to work--not to go on welfare.