04-08-2006, 11:17 PM
Occhidiangela,Apr 8 2006, 03:40 PM Wrote:The wall won't work. Chinas' great wall didn't, The Wall didn't, and the wall on the West Bank won't.
Actually walls work pretty well if you tend them.
Gaurds with no walls work poorly. Walls with with no gaurds work poorly. Sure a few would get through, but it would be a tiny trickle compared to todays deluge.
And please Occhi I though you were a bit better than Drasca on reasonable examples. The Great Wall of China?
The walls involved in the old Iron Curtain worked pretty well. We loved the stories of people who got through, but many more were coaght and countless more didnt even try because of the bad odds.
EDIT: I see Munkay pointed out the same things I did.