Fourth cinematic "Enter Hell" -> Displayed between Act 3 and 4

<Act IV>

Marius: I did as you told me Tyrael ... I found the temple of the Zakarum
Marius: In the deepest recesses of the temple ... I found a dark gathering
Marius: My companion .. the Wanderer .. Tal Rasha .. and a great evil .. who can only be the lord of Hatred himself..Mephisto
Marius: I heard a voice then .. like a thousand needles in my heart

Mephisto: My brothers, at long last we stand re-united
Mephisto: The infernal gate has been prepared, while the time of our final victory is at hand
Mephisto: Let the way to hell be open ... and the evil that was once vanquished shall rise anew
Mephisto: Wrapped in the guise of man shall you walk amongst the innocent, and terror shall consume they that dwell on the earth

Mephisto: The sky shall rain fire, and the seas will become as blood
Mephisto: The righteous shall fall before the wicked
Mephisto: And all creation shall tremble before the burning standards of Hell

Marius: What I saw then was not meant for mortal eyes

Mephisto: The gate stands ready

<Wanderer screams>

Mephisto: Now my young brother, the time has come to assume your true form

<Diablo transform to his true form>

Mephisto: Arise Diablo ... lord of Terror.

<Diablo walks towards the portal>

Mephisto: You are the harbinger of our return Diablo.
Mephisto: Send forth your terror into Hell

Fifth Cinematics ""Terrors End" -> Displayed After completing Act 4


<Back in the cell>

Marius: I heard later that he was defeated

<Scene where Diablo dies>

Marius: And that the soulstone was destroyed in hellforge

<Scene cuts back to the cell>

Marius: All except one

<Marius starts sobbing>

Marius: Oh, I failed Tyrael. I couldn't do as you asked
Marius: I couldn't enter that gate.
Marius: Forgive me, Tyrael...forgive me

Cloaked Figure: Marius, give me the stone and all is forgiven

<Marius looks shocked>
<Marius takes out the soul stone from around his neck>

Cloaked Figure: Give it to me, Marius

Marius: Take it, take it take it. I'm glad this is finally over Tyrael, look what the stone has done to me.

<Marius hands over the soul stone>

Cloaked Figure: You haven't failed old man, you've done exactly as you were meant to do, however, I am not the archangel Tyrael

Marius: no no no

Baal: You have done well Marius, now I think you should have your reward

<Baal kills Marius>
<Baal Walks out, the place sets on fire>

Sixth Cinematic "Search for Baal" -> Displayed after the previous cinematic, but before you actually enter Act 5.

<Scene starts in a wide hall>
<Gate opens>
<Man walks outside>
<Banners part to show Baal>

Man: Baal

<Doors close>

Man: BAAL, the gates of Seseron (sp?) have stood for eons beyond rememberance, and you shall not breach them now
Man: Remove your foul demons from our lands, we stand on the side of light
Man: You shall not be allowed to reach Mount Arreat, and that which you seek will not be yours

Baal (shout): ENOUGH

Baal: I shall take your position, into consideration

<Baal thinks for abit>
<Baal sends out some missiles to attack the man, and kill him>

Baal (laughing): Well, it seems your terms are not acceptable, heh hehehe

<Baal's army attacks>

Seventh Cinematics "Destruction's End" -> Displayed after killing Baal.

There's not much talking in here. Tyrael says some stuff, though I cannot translate it. I suspect that it might be latin or something, and I remember there being a discussion on it somewhere at some point, but nothing was ever formulated.

Messages In This Thread
Cinematics - by andrejs_80 - 03-29-2006, 02:57 PM
Cinematics - by Orphan - 04-08-2006, 01:16 AM
Cinematics - by Orphan - 04-08-2006, 03:17 AM
Cinematics - by andrejs_80 - 04-08-2006, 01:02 PM

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