Chesspiece_face,Apr 6 2006, 03:36 PM Wrote:[right][snapback]106442[/snapback][/right]
I'm sure I'll get in trouble for my opinion, but here it goes:
It seems to me that the *race* issue has some merit genetically speaking. For example, it is my understanding that most African-Americans have the gene that can produce Sickle Cell Anemia (sp?) later in life. Also, there was an AIDS vaccine in development about three years ago that, when tested on a large group of people produced reults which were much better in certian ethnicities than others (something to the effect of 65% for African Americans, 45% for Chinese, 35% for Hispanics, and 5% for Caucasians). If I can find the article, I will link it because I'm almost positive the percents I listed are incorrect, however the discrepancy between races was huge and clear to see. It got me thinking that maybe we need to start examining the way we develop medicines for the masses by producing cures based on our individual needs because what works well for one person doesnât always work best for *me* (or you). In regards to the discussion at hand, I donât know if genetics would play such a huge factor in our evolution in this day and age, but still I think it should be considered.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin