though it has 'mag' listed in missiles.txt (succubusbolt is the name here).
Physical has no separate entry there (everything known as physical is not marked as physical, but everything with other damage assigned has other damage listed), so it's fine by me to say it has physical components.
I've reread the AB thread. Messy. A highlevel Valk will almost instantly go poof under siege with bloodstar thingies. Shouldn't happen when they only deal physdam. Same goes for Decoy.
Maybe there is some similar thing happening like in 1.09 with Zon's Fire Arrow.
PLR suffers the same penalties like the elemental resistances with players and hirelings (-40% in NM, -100% in Hell).
Monsters have an entry of their own for PLR, and it's set to 0 in all difficulties (no penalty). AFAIK -enemy poison resistance lowers monster's PLR (increases duration of poison damage, that is).
though it has 'mag' listed in missiles.txt (succubusbolt is the name here).
Physical has no separate entry there (everything known as physical is not marked as physical, but everything with other damage assigned has other damage listed), so it's fine by me to say it has physical components.
I've reread the AB thread. Messy. A highlevel Valk will almost instantly go poof under siege with bloodstar thingies. Shouldn't happen when they only deal physdam. Same goes for Decoy.
Maybe there is some similar thing happening like in 1.09 with Zon's Fire Arrow.
PLR suffers the same penalties like the elemental resistances with players and hirelings (-40% in NM, -100% in Hell).
Monsters have an entry of their own for PLR, and it's set to 0 in all difficulties (no penalty). AFAIK -enemy poison resistance lowers monster's PLR (increases duration of poison damage, that is).