Gnollguy,Mar 23 2006, 12:01 PM Wrote:I've never believed there was a cap on mitigation but I still generally feel that stam > block chance. Just in case you thought I was coming from a different angle than I was in that discussion. I don't think block is bad, but I just generally don't feel the need to pursue it as in situations where I want to be able to block I have essentially unlimited rage and can spam shield block with pretty much no affect on aggro control or anything else.
Though I suppose I really should sit down and find the break point of damage in, damage blocked and time to live to see where block beats stam for longevity on a melee damage deal boss. It's not a bad thing but to me it's just gravy, nice to have (and the itemization blizzard has means you'll end up with it end game) but given the choice I'll take stam or +def before it.
Well, I understand *your* part of it, but I don't think I've reached the breakpoint where 70 hp > 2% block yet. When I get more gear, then I can think about that. At this point, it's still better to not get hit than to just soak it up. Some of this, of course, is personal preference, and I've not seen the analysis you mentioned doing, so, we all have to do our best guess.