03-11-2006, 05:31 PM
I apologize for my violation of loot rules last night when I rolled need on Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge, a BoP. I should know better particularly since I am the one who compiled the loot rules. I think that it is very likely that nobody who was present when it dropped also had a need for the sword. Nonetheless, it sets a bad example, and could be viewed by some that guild officers are above the rules, which is definitely not the case. I ask for forgiveness, and I have decided to assess a fine against myself. I am sending some gold to the LS for their guild bank and some to Xame's toon, Exchange for our guild bank. I am posting this on the Guildportal site as well where the LS can see it. By sending the gold and posting I feel better, and I am less likely to repeat the error. Thank you.