03-11-2006, 07:44 AM
DeeBye,Mar 11 2006, 01:17 AM Wrote:With all of this gender equality stuff floating around, I don't even know if it's okay for me to hold a door open for a female. Sometimes I get yelled at :(Well, at work I treat women like men. The first one to the door opens it, and it's their decision whether they hold it open for the next people or go through first. At home, my wife expects me to be a gentleman, so I open her car doors, etc. and pamper her as best I can.
Not that she isn't liberated, but we have worked out the battle of the sexes thing. I do the dishes and housework, and I don't complain (or snicker) when she tries her hand at carpentry. In fact, since I'm allergic to grass, having her do the mowing works best for us.