03-06-2006, 10:34 AM
Mirajj,Mar 3 2006, 06:54 PM Wrote:It was hard enough getting folks to gear up when you could zerg the places. This change isn't going to make this any easier. >.<
Even though I hate those zergs and like 5-manning, I don't entirely like this change. In a zerg, those instances were too easy; it was simple farming. But the new system has two problems.
With the new system, you cannot take anyone lower than level 58 along, and the person has to be well-geared for that level. The old "get to 55 asap and then right into the endgame instances"-method will not work any longer. I would hate to run the Sunken Temple over and over. And 5-mannig in PUGs, ugh.
Time is another problem: I could afford a 45 minute Baron run, or 90 minutes of Scholo. But 3+ hours for a chance of one in eight of that stupid devout crown dropping? And 3+ hours means I can only instance like twice a week, because time is hard to come by. Would be nice if only setitems for classes present in that instance dropped (we had a guy in our guild who had the BoP 5 Beaststalker items on his priest and 4 Devout items on his hunter).
"Ignoring is also a kind of understanding." - Christian Mai