The Zakarum Priestess?
For what began as kicks, I cooked up a sorc this week.
To my delight, I realized while fighting a cantor, that my dearest new creation WAS a cantor (she uses Chain Lightning & Blizzard). As this was unintentional, it made me all smiley & warm.
I had played her just about naked most of the way through the desert, using socketeds when I could find them. Used the Horadric Staff for a while. Very fun - being first time in a while I've played untweaked (I know, I know, bad swarm).
While in Kurast purchasing her first mask (dunno...I've always had a thing for the mask) I had the odd thought - "Yeah, she's only allowed to wear masks."
I started realizing I may have made a variant that's been overlooked...
The only Zakarum Sexton thing she can't emulate is healing... maybe I could run around dropping reds all over the place... dunno :)

She wields either a wand, or a flail (fast attack for the chain lightning :) ) and its either a mask or nekkid. For shields, I've just used those that drop in A3.

Fun stuff ... has this been done before?

Either way, fun stuff :)

Edit: She teleports too... an ability I think I have *finally* gotten the hang of, with some degree of skill. Bout time. :)
*Swarmalicious - USeast Hardcore
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men." - W Wonka

The Flying Booyaka and The Legend of Bonesnap

Messages In This Thread
The Zakarum Priestess? - by Swarmalicious - 02-23-2003, 04:47 AM
The Zakarum Priestess? - by Ruvanal - 02-23-2003, 02:53 PM
The Zakarum Priestess? - by Animation - 03-04-2003, 05:43 PM
The Zakarum Priestess? - by Odd - 03-05-2003, 02:33 AM
The Zakarum Priestess? - by Swarmalicious - 03-05-2003, 03:57 AM

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