Infight Mana Regeneration
It's not really about the super regen you can get from innervate. I play a level 60 resto druid in a BWL going guild (and thus I'm an healing/innervate bot) and in my experience, innervate by itself is more then enough. The problem with innervate is it's very long cooldown. What this trinket does is give you a "light" version of innervate, without bothering a druid for it. In long fights this is crucial, as every scrap of mana will count the longer the fight goes on. Let's compare.

Darkmoon Card: Blue Dragon
Binds when picked up
Requires Level 60
Equip: 2% chance on successful spellcast to allow 100% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting for 15 sec.


Innervate (druid talent, requires 30 points inrestoration)
5% of Base Mana, 30 yd range
Instant cast 6 min cooldown
Increases the target's Mana regeneration by 400% and allows 100% of the target's Mana regeneration to continue while casting. Lasts 20 sec.

As can be immediately observed innervate is a lot more efficient, doing 4x as much regen and 5 seconds longer to boot. the downside is, as said, the cooldown.

although comparing them is not really an issue, Generally innervate gives back 50-75% of a full mana bar on a well equipped priest, and 75-100% on a druid (we druids tend to have relatively less int and more spirit compared to cloth users). The point of the trinket is, it costs no mana, and it's effect is random. However, through the use of different spells you can get it to proc and restore a fair bit of mana. although any caster can certainly make use of it, the class which can make the most use of it is a class spamming 'small' spells (low casting time for more procs/minute) having a lot of spirit (for more regen). A priest who does not need an innervate is a very good priest indeed, leaving druids open to innervate themselves.

I can't really compare the two. we only have one Blue dragon card, owned by a resto druid. He says it doesn't proc often for him in pve (we resto druids generally mostly use the very slow cast healing touch) but it shines in pvp.

As for the reported "bug": it doesn't really matter. Innervates only occur once a fight, normally, and when it does it gives enough mana to finish said fight. If fights are ultra-long a healer rotation is set up anyhow to allow people to regen mana.

Bottem line is, I wouldn't use the trinket for just the "bug". It in itself is nice enough to wear for any caster.
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Messages In This Thread
Infight Mana Regeneration - by ladget - 02-10-2006, 11:15 AM
Infight Mana Regeneration - by Luminon - 02-10-2006, 12:45 PM
Infight Mana Regeneration - by Xanthix - 02-10-2006, 04:31 PM
Infight Mana Regeneration - by castille - 02-10-2006, 04:54 PM
Infight Mana Regeneration - by ima_nerd - 02-10-2006, 08:02 PM
Infight Mana Regeneration - by castille - 02-10-2006, 08:26 PM
Infight Mana Regeneration - by Crusader - 02-20-2006, 01:57 PM
Infight Mana Regeneration - by teske - 02-20-2006, 03:17 PM
Infight Mana Regeneration - by kershner - 02-22-2006, 07:24 AM
Infight Mana Regeneration - by Xanthix - 02-22-2006, 05:43 PM

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