02-11-2006, 06:51 AM
FYI re: 2/17 ZG run with LS
tentative roll call for LS will be:
ZG Sat 17th:
1) Deadpriest Priest 60
2) Amentet Lock 60
3) Feero Priest(should be close to 60 by then)
4) Vasska War 60
5) Mistique Choice of Mage/Rogue/War 60
6) Rainz Hunter 60
7) Final (poss)
8) Syonn Mage (poss)
9) Olan War 60 (poss)
10) working on it
Please be aware that I had told LS to bring 10 people for a 10/10 split. We have had only 9 the past 2 weeks. If any additional peope will hit 60 (maybe 59 on a healer--correct me if I'm wrong) by 2/17 and wish to come, or if a level 60 who hasn't come wishes to come, please let us know ASAP. I don't want anyone to get left out from our guild, but at the same time if we get less than 10, it will be fair to let LS know in advance so they can fill the slots.
I realize that some people might not know their Friday schedule well in advance. So, if you won't know until a certain date, let us know about that.
tentative roll call for LS will be:
ZG Sat 17th:
1) Deadpriest Priest 60
2) Amentet Lock 60
3) Feero Priest(should be close to 60 by then)
4) Vasska War 60
5) Mistique Choice of Mage/Rogue/War 60
6) Rainz Hunter 60
7) Final (poss)
8) Syonn Mage (poss)
9) Olan War 60 (poss)
10) working on it
Please be aware that I had told LS to bring 10 people for a 10/10 split. We have had only 9 the past 2 weeks. If any additional peope will hit 60 (maybe 59 on a healer--correct me if I'm wrong) by 2/17 and wish to come, or if a level 60 who hasn't come wishes to come, please let us know ASAP. I don't want anyone to get left out from our guild, but at the same time if we get less than 10, it will be fair to let LS know in advance so they can fill the slots.
I realize that some people might not know their Friday schedule well in advance. So, if you won't know until a certain date, let us know about that.