Friday 2/10, Saturday 2/11, Friday 2/17
On CTRA it is becoming increasing important that everyone that is using it has the same version. We've seen lag that we can pinpoint on people with older versions of CTRA lagging people with new versions or the other way around. It is a nice mod for the communication stuff and the boss mods do make the game much more easy mode (though I have used a stop watch or an in game timer to track some of the timed abilities so you can do it without).

And I don't actually know a lot more about ZG than most of you. I've faced I think 6 of the bosses in there most of them only once. I think the bat lady I've killed 5 times, no one more than that. It's not a known zone to me. I know the first couple of bosses of BWL better. Most of the run times for ZG (Tuesday late evening, Friday late evening, Wednesday evening or Saturday day) didn't work too well for me most of the time. I've done a few Tuesday late evenings a couple of times more recently but they have been shorter runs.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

Messages In This Thread
Friday 2/10, Saturday 2/11, Friday 2/17 - by Kevin - 02-09-2006, 04:54 PM
Friday 2/10, Saturday 2/11, Friday 2/17 - by Xame - 02-09-2006, 06:04 PM
Friday 2/10, Saturday 2/11, Friday 2/17 - by Xame - 02-18-2006, 06:18 PM

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