Barbarian and Assassin
I've been building my Blade Fury Assassin. Level 69 now.
I've near maxed Venom. And have about 10 in Claw Mastery so far and maxed Death Sentry and close maxing Shadow Warrior.

I've been wondering if I should continue with points into Claw Mastery because I'm so dependent on Death Sentry. The info on the synergies says 1 shot for every 3 points in Fire Blast or something and 12% bonus damage for points into Lightening Sentry. Wouldn't my points be best spent here while I'm working towards maxing my shadow warrior?

And also how are people getting damage of over 3k with the death sentry? I'm going like 1-400


My Mace mastery barbarian

for novelty I am working towards the IK set =)

Maxing Maces of course
Maxing Concentrate
Maxing Battle Orders (also because its a synergy for concentrate)
A point in Battle Commands for skill bonus

here's where things get a little tricky and where I need a bit of advice:

10 points in Whirlwind? is that good, with skill items & equipment or should i max this skill?
Since I'm going with IK set, I'm thinking of using the syneries to Concentrate
I think it's Bash that gives the 5% bonus to it but there is also Beserk that gives 1% magic damage bonus.
If I put just 1 point in Beserk at high levels it might be worth it because of all the skill item and torch bonus to go with it, it could be as high as "10" or better.


Messages In This Thread
Barbarian and Assassin - by TheKingofKewl - 02-05-2006, 11:42 PM
Barbarian and Assassin - by bigeyedbug - 02-06-2006, 04:10 AM
Barbarian and Assassin - by TheKingofKewl - 02-06-2006, 10:17 PM
Barbarian and Assassin - by DeeBye - 02-09-2006, 03:49 AM
Barbarian and Assassin - by TheKingofKewl - 02-09-2006, 10:11 PM
Barbarian and Assassin - by bigeyedbug - 02-10-2006, 09:33 PM
Barbarian and Assassin - by Baylan - 02-15-2006, 01:30 AM
Barbarian and Assassin - by GriffonSpade - 02-15-2006, 07:11 AM

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