02-05-2006, 12:44 AM
Ghostiger,Feb 4 2006, 03:37 PM Wrote:Ummm - boycotting is practically a moral imperative if you dont agree with something.Again, I shall ignore your stupid backhanded barbs and reply to you like a reasonable person.
Boycotting is essentially - not supporting something that you dont like- you cant argue with that(at least not logically)
Burning down a building is attacking.
Perhaps the difference is lost on you but the fortunetly its not lost on every legislative body I know of.
Not supporting your opponent - good.
Attacking your opponent - bad.
I'm glad you mentioned morality. When your Imam is telling you that you are justified in defending the faith by taking such actions, then perhaps their moral base is different than yours. Perhaps the legislature of Syria will do something about the Danish embassy, but I seriously doubt they will do a darn thing.
To a Westerner, boycotts and protests are acceptable civic disobediance, but burning down a building and killing people are not acceptable. I think in Syria, and some other countries run by Islamacists, that there is a high level of violence that is acceptable to the culture, and the State, especially if it is justified as defending Islam.