List ONE US made thing that you see when you look
King Jim,Feb 3 2006, 02:17 PM Wrote:Why you should read a Russian view of us..."Keep your Friends Close...Your Enemies Closer"  :wub:

The russians have hated the US ever since the Commie revolution. This is basically programmed into them at birth, much like Muslims will always hate the Jews, although not as viciously (russian hate towards americans is not as intense, just to clarify). The only exception to that came during WW2 when for several years they were told by the government to stop hating.

I remember reading some russian forums (in russian) during the last Olympics at the time of some sort of sporting incident (maybe it was figure skating, maybe hockey, forgot already) and the hate spewing out those mouths (well, fingers) was pretty amusing.

Russians are possibly the most jingoistic people on this planet. Everyone is to an extent, but the russians are worse then the french, and that's saying something.

Don't be surprised by *anything* you read that is written by them.


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List ONE US made thing that you see when you look - by Ashock - 02-03-2006, 09:36 PM

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