01-31-2006, 05:24 PM
I just sent an email to the Lost Souls GM. To create the loot rules I used a compilation of feedback received from several lurkers including posts by GG, Xame, Vorlord and myself, as well as feedback I received from folks in game.
Quote:Hello again,
Here are our responses to your current raid rules. Please let me know what you think.
1. No Looting till ALL mobs are dead
Fully agree
2. Pass on ALL BOP's
To this I would add--and purples
3. Pass on ALL NON BOP plans/patts
ok--see #9 below.
4. Greed on all other Non Bop greens
Agreed. Discussions on whether the need to give the item to someone who expresses a need, an alt or someone who is not on the raid may be taken up after the roll, but the item's winner has final say.
5. Mages pls mark Sheep w/detect magic
6. ML will be used on ALL Bosses
7. 1 Blue/Upgrade per raid, carried over if you don't get one to next raid
Base rule: You may win one blue/purple per run. Further items of this classification may end up being yours because nobody else wants them, but you are limited to winning one of these items by Need per run.
You get one Shard from a DE or non-needed blue (dust is free)
8. You will be instructed on your role in the raid, puller etc.
One person, usually the main tank calls the shots on each pull, and everyone follows instructions. Of course feedback and suggestions on tactics are welcomed from experienced players.
9. Orb's and other Rare items will be kept for the guild and a list of ppl for enchants kept, Crusder etc.
Initially eveeeryone passes. Then how about a guild roll on all reagents, books, patterns? One rep from Lurkers, one from Lost Souls? This way those nice reagents (and patterns) can still build guild professions etc. without worrying about unfairness between guilds. The guild that wins the roll will then handle the distribution within the respective guild. If one guild seems to be winning all the rolls they will then defer to the other guild until a balance has been struck.
We are currently working up a roster of who will be present and at what time. I would like to know how many Lost Souls will be in attendance. By the way do you have a UBRS key?
Our Linux users are working on a solution to their problems with Ventrilo with no success to date. Can you let me know if Teamspeak would work for you? Teamspeak can be downloaded here:
Also, here is a link to an AB Teamspeak guide.
Thanks. We are looking forward to the raid.