Watto44,Jan 30 2006, 05:00 AM Wrote:In my opinion, DKs were either a deliberate ploy to kill world pvp or a serious mistake in design logic. If the intent was the first, then it was a job well done, if the latter.... The idea of having a disincentive for killing the civillian (ie, the DK) and a similar disincentive for NOT killing them (ie. the resulting guard spawn when he see you) is pretty dodgy.
Well, the logic was arrived upon when Blizzard heard nothing but complaints about people camping quest NPCs. It was only AFTER the implementation of DKs that all the city-raiders joined the discussion with their version of events. I agree, DKs suck, but I don't see Blizzard backpeddling.
Quote:As for reviving world pvp, one of the things that I have thought of is to simply remove CP from kills in battlegrounds. This would make world pvp something of an option in terms of CP farming, and have the nice side-effect of reducing the effectiveness of botting and kill wh@#$ng in BGs.
Remove honor from the BGs and you remove any incentive for most of the gaming population. I'll go do a few Battlegrounds a day to keep my rank and kick around between raids, but I don't care about the rewards, and anyone with the rewards doesn't want to do the BG they've been farming for the six months for S&G's.
Quote:Of course, the final issue is how you get the 180 billion toons in hillsbrad to spread out a bit... :P
The Hillsbrad Zerg was BG honor farming in a less efficient and less entertaining form.
Forever oppressed by the GOLs.
Grom Hellscream: [Orcish] kek
Forever oppressed by the GOLs.
Grom Hellscream: [Orcish] kek