I am so behind the times.
So about two weeks ago I move out of the parents' house. A friend has a 2-bedroom place and wants help with the rent and utilities, so I move in with him. The room I'll have is filled to the brim with all his junk though, so I'm crashing on an air matress in the living room and have nowhere to move my computer into.

So I go out to the mall and look at consoles. I haven't owned a console for about 5 years now (last one for me was one of the first-run PlayStations). I end up picking up an Xbox along with X-Men: Legends and MechAssault for about $200. I also grab a used copy of Gladius for $17 the next day.

This thing is pretty darn neat. Too bad I probably can't turn it into a media center since it's a new model. But still, there are some real standouts for the box. I rented Advent Rising and Jade Empire, and those are definite buys in the future. And Psi-Ops seemed pretty cool (in an 'evil bastard simulator' kind of way) too.

And with the Xbox 360 supposedly being released in a few months, games seem dirt cheap. It's hard to beat $20 for new games (well, perhaps not 'new', but new to me).

I do have 'my' room cleaned out now, but even if I were to move my computer over I'd have no internet access, so I find myself not in too much of a rush. I have a twenty-inch flatscreen that has a date with Fable tonight after work.

I feel like the guy that runs around yelling 'ALL YOUR BASE' a year after the joke got old. :P
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
What is this "X-Box" you speak of...


All alone, or in twos,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.

And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad buggers wall.

"Isn't this where...."
Eh, man.

I hear you, 5 on 5. The only console I have "owned" (along with my 2 brothers and sister that is) is the Saga Saturn. In the coming weeks and months, I'm looking forward to picking up a Universal P2....

Enjoy your XBOX!

O B)

Edit: Universal PS2...
The newest console I own is a nintendo 64. I received it for christmas last year -- EB games was selling them used with a controller for $30 (can).

Now I'm just waiting for the gamecube to reach about that level :D . So cheap! (Me, I mean, not the gamecube). Although if the new zelda game is as good as it looks so far, I may break down and buy one when that gets released.

"Life is sacred and you are not its steward. You have stewardship over it but you don't own it. You're making a choice to go through this, it's not just happening to you. You're inviting it, and in some ways delighting in it. It's not accidental or coincidental. You're choosing it. You have to realize you've made choices."
-Michael Ventura, "Letters@3AM"
Heh, my Super Nintendo and my wife's Nintendo still reside under our TV. We even play them once in a while. ;)

A quick game of Dr. Mario now and then never hurts anybody. B)
The Bill of No Rights
The United States has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance. Robert A. Heinlein
jahcs,Aug 5 2005, 09:11 AM Wrote:Heh, my Super Nintendo and my wife's Nintendo still reside under our TV.  We even play them once in a while. ;)

A quick game of Dr. Mario now and then never hurts anybody. B)

My wife and I got a PS2 just recently, and one of the first things seh went looking for was a clone of Tetris. That's the only thing she wants to play, and the only thing that she'll let me play while she's around. She simply can't understand why I would want to sit for two hours and run the same car around the same track (endurrance races in GT3) when I could instead be sorting the same little shapes into the same little rows. Don't get me wrong, a little tetris every now and then keeps my visuo-spatial skills working, but there are other better uses for polygons.
ah bah-bah-bah-bah-bah-bah-bob
dyah ah dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dth
X-Men Legends was an awesome game - one of my favorite console titles by far. It was a perfect blending of RPG and X-Men and sweetness. My friends and I spent quite a bit of time playing that game co-op.

(I always played Storm :wub: )

There were some balance issues though. Storm / Cyclops maxed Leadership combo allowed you to pretty much mow through anything in the game. A couple of the X-Men were also basically useless (White Queen, Jubilee, Beast, Rogue) while others were quite overpowered (Storm, Wolverine, Iceman). Hopefully they'll address these issues in the sequel.

I also enjoyed Fable - it seemed to have gotten a worse wrap than it deserved. Any game that lets me have 5 wives and slaughter entire towns all while spreading chaos and discontent among the peasants is A-okay in my book :) Did it live up to everything to everything Molyneux promised? No, but no game could have and it was still fun.

I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.
Jack London
Mithrandir,Aug 5 2005, 03:35 PM Wrote:A couple of the X-Men were also basically useless (White Queen, Jubilee, Beast, Rogue) while others were quite overpowered (Storm, Wolverine, Iceman). Hopefully they'll address these issues in the sequel.

Now I have to kill you. :angry:

(I am a huge Rogue fan)

But yeah, she got the short end of the stick it seems. No damage reduction/invulnerability unless you buy her Bulletproof power, and I've never been a fan of timed clickies (and the fact that the computer almost never uses it doesn't help). And that funky green glow punch as a first power is just wrong. :(

Wolverine doesn't seem that overpowered since he takes full damage and thus can be KOed pretty fast if you're not careful. He does do horrendous (as in 'holy crap instakill') damage though, maybe he turns into a ginsu machine later in the game (I've only gotten to just past the Arbiter so far).

Jubilee and Beast seem very underwhelming, don't have the Queen yet so I can't comment. Heck, I can't even figure out how to use Jubilee's/Gambit's 'charge up objects' powers.

As for Fable, I took my rental copy home and found out it wouldn't even load, it was so scratched up. Took it back to Blockbuster the next day but they didn't have any other copies in I could swap it out for, so I took home a copy of Republic Commando. I'm not really too impressed with it so far (but I'm not very far in yet).
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
WarLocke,Aug 6 2005, 11:47 AM Wrote:Wolverine doesn't seem that overpowered since he takes full damage and thus can be KOed pretty fast if you're not careful.  He does do horrendous (as in 'holy crap instakill') damage though, maybe he turns into a ginsu machine later in the game (I've only gotten to just past the Arbiter so far).[right][snapback]85390[/snapback][/right]

Storm's physical shield, fully maxed, almost completely negates physicaly damage from most enemies. It is quite glorious. Therefore, by the end of the game, the tanks who can deal out the most damage are preferable to those with personal shields since Storm's is already so awesome.

I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.
Jack London
Mithrandir,Aug 6 2005, 01:36 PM Wrote:Storm's physical shield, fully maxed, almost completely negates physicaly damage from most enemies. It is quite glorious. Therefore, by the end of the game, the tanks who can deal out the most damage are preferable to those with personal shields since Storm's is already so awesome.

Good to know what I need to stay away from, then. I wasn't going to get it anyway, because it's a clicky and to my knowledge Storm has never been able to use her power in that fashion. Same reason I don't get the 'add psychic damage to melee attacks' power for Jean Grey (I'm on the fence as far as Iceman and Magma go, though).

And Iceman is indeed an awesome character. With that damage power and his clicky armor, he's almost a better tank than the real tanks (Rogue, Wolverine, Beast). :o
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]

Don't feel bad, the only console I've ever owned was the original NES :)

Nothing personal against 'em, I often play at friend's houses. But I've got dozens of PC games still in their shrink wrap that I picked out of bargain bins for fear they would disappear forever. I just can't convince myself that I need more platforms when I can't even keep up with the one I have ;)


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

Jeunemaitre,Aug 5 2005, 12:51 PM Wrote:My wife and I got a PS2 just recently, and one of the first things seh went looking for was a clone of Tetris.  That's the only thing she wants to play, and the only thing that she'll let me play while she's around.  She simply can't understand why I would want to sit for two hours and run the same car around the same track (endurrance races in GT3) when I could instead be sorting the same little shapes into the same little rows.  Don't get me wrong, a little tetris every now and then keeps my visuo-spatial skills working, but there are other better uses for polygons.

If your wife is a fan of the tetris games you should pick up Super-Bust-a-Move for PS2. you can get it used for around 15-20 dollars. Not only is it good fun to play solo, but you can play vs each other in some really fun matches.
Fable is a good game if you didn't expect it to live up to the hype (basically if you treated it like any other Molyneaux game recently).

Another game I enjoyed a ton was Ninja Gaiden. It is insanely difficult compared to most games of this day, but still a lot of fun. Recently they released Ninja Gaiden Black which has a bunch of extra stuff that was added to the game as downloadable content after the release (including a higher difficulty level for the people that thought Hard wasn't hard enough).

If you enjoyed Jade Empire, I'd suggest looking into both Knights of the Old Republic games (unless you hate Star Wars of course). It's a similar style but slightly more rpg-based.

If you like racing, both Project Gothem Racing 2 and Burnout are good games.

There's more that I enjoyed but I can't think of them right now.
Raelynn - Gnome Warlock - Herbalism/Alchemy
Markuun - Tauren Shaman - Skinning/Leatherworking
Aredead - Undead Mage - Tailoring/Enchanting

Gutzmek - Orc Shaman - Skinning/Leatherworking

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