Differences between US and EU version
What are the actual differences between theese two versions? What ties you to specific servers, is it the CD-key or is it coded into the client? Do the clients even take the CD-keys of the other version? That is, can one simply use the EU version, but enter a US CD-key and start playin on US servers?
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
Jarulf,Apr 25 2005, 08:35 AM Wrote:What are the actual differences between theese two versions? What ties you to specific servers, is it the CD-key or is it coded into the client? Do the clients even take the CD-keys of the other version? That is, can one simply use the EU version, but enter a US CD-key and start playin on US servers?

You probably think of the registration key here; the key you use to create an account on Blizzard's webpage. And yes, I believe it's coded into this key. Because you can use whatever client you want. U.S. Open Beta (patched of course), European UK/France/German client... whatever you want. If you've got an U.S. account you need to put in the login server into a file somewhere, but that's all there is to it.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

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Arnulf,Apr 25 2005, 12:44 PM Wrote:You probably think of the registration key here; the key you use to create an account on Blizzard's webpage. And yes, I believe it's coded into this key. Because you can use whatever client you want. U.S. Open Beta (patched of course), European UK/France/German client... whatever you want. If you've got an U.S. account you need to put in the login server into a file somewhere, but that's all there is to it.

Correct me if I'm wrong.


So basically, what I can do is, have someone buy the game in US and just mailing me the key. Install a European client (from a friend or something) entering the US key I got and I will be all set?

With the possibility that I might have to redirect the game to US servers manually by changing some file?

Would it be possible to start of with a very old beta client (never had any of the latest patches for it) and connect and insert the key as well?

There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
Jarulf,Apr 25 2005, 02:35 AM Wrote:What are the actual differences between theese two versions? What ties you to specific servers, is it the CD-key or is it coded into the client? Do the clients even take the CD-keys of the other version? That is, can one simply use the EU version, but enter a US CD-key and start playin on US servers?

Its tied to Billing Address IIRC.
Tal,Apr 25 2005, 03:06 PM Wrote:Its tied to Billing Address IIRC.

But if you bypass the credit cards entirely by writing fake CC numbers at registration (since you have the first month for free, they don't verify the data until the free month runs out) and then have someone in the US buy gamecards for you (unless maybe EU gamecards work for a US subscription but I wouldn't risk it). Then they could scratch the gamecard and then tell you the code so you can input it yourself, and you should be able to play on US servers without any problems.

Quote:With the possibility that I might have to redirect the game to US servers manually by changing some file?
That worked in the beta, I played with my American friends on my EU beta. The file is realmlist.wtf. Of course I don't know how that will work now with different patches and such. They do release seperate patches for EU version and US version.
Tal,Apr 25 2005, 01:06 PM Wrote:Its tied to Billing Address IIRC.
Yup, that's the correct answer. If however, you have a friend in the US who is willing to pay for you via his bank account or credit card, then you can play on US servers as EU resident.
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
Tal,Apr 25 2005, 02:06 PM Wrote:Its tied to Billing Address IIRC.

Huh? What exact billing adress do you refer to? And are you saying the game itself actually connect depending on a billing adress? And how would it know that?

The only time I have ever played this type of game was UO, and I recall that basically I only ever entered my CC number and that was it.

It would also mean, you say, that the games sold in for example EU and USA are the same and the registration keys could be used anywere in the world?

I am a bit confused....

EDIT: I did what I probably should have done to start with and checked Blizzard site and found in their FAQ:

"Q: I purchased a US version of World of Warcraft, and I now wish to play on the European realms, what do I need to do?
A: We strongly advise that you do not purchase the US version of World of Warcraft; instead you should purchase the European version of the game. If however you chose to purchase a copy from the US, we will try and help you by transferring the CDKey to the European database. Should you wish for the transfer, you should email a valid unused US CDkey to the Technical Support team using the webform located in the support section of the website. "

This seem to indicate that the CDkeys are indeed tied to the servers in the area. That is, the CDkey from a game sold in USA, will only work on US servers and same for EU. I assume the games differ in at least having different default servers to connect to but it could be some built in feature of the key that idicate were to connect or there is a msater server that redirect to the correct area (seems more likely).

This seems also to indicate that the actual client is the same and that one can install a EU version and just get the USA key from the game bought in USA. The FAQ is not completely clear about this though.

Although they don't say so (nor the opposite) it seems possible to simply buy a US version and play on US servers even if you live in the EU. I think I will mail Blizzard.
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
Jarulf,Apr 25 2005, 09:06 AM Wrote:Although they don't say so (nor the opposite) it seems possible to simply buy a US version and play on US servers even if you live in the EU. I think I will mail Blizzard.

They have said playing the US version outside the US is legal - if you have a legal US address. This helps people who are abroad for sometime, I guess.
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