Hello Lurkers,

This is actually -Magi- posting for --Pete.

--Pete requested that I let you all know that he is very ill and will be off in a hospital for quite awhile. (My guess right now is at least a month) He sure misses you all and the interesting discussions here. When he gets to feeling a bit better he should be able to get on-line from the hospital, so once you start seeing new posts from him you will know that he has improved and is able to get to his e-mail again.

If you do want to get a message to him, you can send it to my e-mail at magi-mail@comcast.net and I will print your messages and take them to him.

Please wish us the best.

Lurkingly Yours,


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

I'm really sorry to hear that. Please wish him (and you too) all the best from me.

-- Thecla
This youngster can't handle the idea of losing the lounge's favorite old battle axe! Not to mention a great rhetorician and a much valued opinion.

The lounge won't be the same during your temporary haitus.

Wishing all the best, and hoping for a speedy and comfortable recovery :)


Pete,Feb 25 2005, 05:52 AM Wrote:Hello Lurkers,

This is actually -Magi- posting for --Pete.

--Pete requested that I let you all know that he is very ill and will be off in a hospital for quite awhile.  (My guess right now is at least a month) He sure misses you all and the interesting discussions here.  When he gets to feeling a bit better he should be able to get on-line from the hospital, so once you start seeing new posts from him you will know that he has improved and is able to get to his e-mail again.

If you do want to get a message to him, you can send it to my e-mail at magi-mail@comcast.net and I will print your messages and take them to him.

Please wish us the best.

Lurkingly Yours,


Magi and Pete, all the best.
Pete, get well soon, I hope to see you around the lounge a.s.a.p to tell us that you're all right again.
Take care,
Wow Im sorry to hear that. Best wishes indeed. I hope your you feel better sooner than you expect.
Hurry up and get well soon Pete ! :D I miss your quotable sayings badly !!!
Stormrage :
SugarSmacks / 90 Shammy -Elemental
TaMeKaboom/ 90 Hunter - BM
TaMeOsis / 90 Paladin - Prot
TaMeAgeddon/ 85 Warlock - Demon
TaMeDazzles / 85 Mage- Frost
FrostDFlakes / 90 Rogue
TaMeOlta / 85 Druid-resto
Pete,Feb 25 2005, 01:52 AM Wrote:Hello Lurkers,

This is actually -Magi- posting for --Pete.

--Pete requested that I let you all know that he is very ill and will be off in a hospital for quite awhile.  (My guess right now is at least a month) He sure misses you all and the interesting discussions here.  When he gets to feeling a bit better he should be able to get on-line from the hospital, so once you start seeing new posts from him you will know that he has improved and is able to get to his e-mail again.

If you do want to get a message to him, you can send it to my e-mail at magi-mail@comcast.net and I will print your messages and take them to him.

Please wish us the best.

Lurkingly Yours,


Get well fast Pete. All the best from my family to yours.

Best wishes for a speedy and efficient recovery, there!

You've been around here since I can remember... wow... that's quite a while. =)

Get ye better, sir! =)
Scientist by Day
Sorceress by Night
Pete,Feb 24 2005, 11:52 PM Wrote:If you do want to get a message to him, you can send it to my e-mail at magi-mail@comcast.net and I will print your messages and take them to him.

Please wish us the best.

Lurkingly Yours,


EEEEP! This is not good. I will PM you. For the short term, send my warmest regards and a Full Rejuve to Pete.

EDIT. I gooned up the tags, again.

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Hang in there. Hope to see you back here soon!
See you in Town,
Wishing you get well soon.
- SoulEdge -
"*burp* too many pots, I need to pee..."
I felt something wasn't right in the Lounge. Come back to us soon.
The Bill of No Rights
The United States has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance. Robert A. Heinlein
jahcs,Feb 25 2005, 05:36 PM Wrote:I felt something wasn't right in the Lounge.  Come back to us soon.

I was just thinking the same thing. I hadn't seen any of his post for a while now. I don't think there's a single member of this forum who doesn't wish Pete a speedy and healthy recovery. Hang in there, Pete! We're all thinking of you!

I can safely say that the forum is not the same without you.

All the best to you and yours.
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Just another lurker saying "Get well soon!". And remember not to send a bottle of chanpagne to your doctor until AFTER you're out of the hospital.
Best wishes and a speedy recovery to Pete
Hi Magi! I hope you're able to pass all of our wishes on to Pete. I know this is a difficult time for both of you.

Pete, as someone who has been through an extended hospital and nursing home stay, I know how hard it is to while away the time laid up in one of those beds. I did come to learn that there are some points to enjoy. See that little button by your bed? Press it and people, often gorgeous young female nurses, jump to attention with "What can I do for you, sir?" and "Is there anything I can get you, sir?" Those same gorgeous young female nurses also are great with the laying on of the hands. In fact, the more you ask that they don't, the more insistent they get. Young women offering to feed you and comfort you and make you feel better - sounds almost ideal to me! ;)

Get well Pete! This too shall pass.
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."

I am sorry to learn that Pete needed to go to the hospital. I hope he gets better soon and comes back to us the same as before!

May your hospital visit be short, and your recovery swift!
Comes a time when you're driftin'
Comes a time when you settle down

Neil Young
Get well soon you old curmudgeon.
Must have downloaded a nasty virus...

/Encouring local rumours that Pete is in fact, a bot of some kind.

Get well. We need more acerbic wit.
All alone, or in twos,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.

And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad buggers wall.

"Isn't this where...."

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