Ladder II Hacking
I've been off the realm for a few days now, though I logged on today to play a bit with Spiderdrake. While in a game a kid was bragging about his Enigma. I asked him how he got one already (what can I say, I like to humor them) and he said that they are easy to trade for now, due to a glitch yesterday (august 9th).

Spider said he remembered the realm going down (I was not online then). At either rate the Putz from the game said during this glitch, for roughly 15 minutes ladder chars were downgraded to non-ladder status, before the realm down.


Can anyone confirm what actually happened?


For a bout 15 minutes yesterday (while apparently implementing this new anti-create game code) They (on accident I presume) made all Ladder characters Non-Ladder, and Season One Characters Ladder again. Quite a lot of people were aware of this, and transfered all sorts of non-ladder items (I saw a 1.08 gaze today :barf:) to ladder. Nothing has been done about it.
The Blizzard Poltergeist strikes again.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
Guild Wars account: Lurker Wyrm
Dozer,Aug 10 2004, 11:15 PM Wrote:Nothing has been done about it.
What ever do you mean? Blizzard laid the smack down on Bot Users. They are utterly destroyed. . .

They banned their IP's for 12 hours. That's it. :angry:

I mean nothing has been done about all the invalid items.
Unless they do a character rollback on all ladder characters, I somehow doubt anything ever will be done about them.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
Guild Wars account: Lurker Wyrm
Quote:I somehow doubt anything ever will be done about them.

Sure there will be. The next ladder reset will knock them all out ;)

We should have a pool for how long it takes the next ladder season to be corrupted.
(BTW, I'm hoping/expecting the second season to be shorter than the first; they have offered a prize for lvl 99, and I doubt they'll keep it open for months and months after said prize is given out. At least I hope not.)
Who won? What did they get? Didn't they just reset the ladder like 2 weeks ago? A ladder reset that often is kind of dumb...
unrealshadow13,Aug 12 2004, 08:10 PM Wrote:Who won? What did they get? Didn't they just reset the ladder like 2 weeks ago? A ladder reset that often is kind of dumb...
Do you think before you post?
Munkay,Aug 12 2004, 06:59 PM Wrote:Do you think before you post?
That would depend on the phase of the moon. B)
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
Quote:Who won?

I looked a couple of days ago on West, and didn't see any 99s yet, only tons of 98s. I would have guessed that Europe will have 99s by now. I haven't really kept up on the ladder rankings, so I can't tell you for sure. Bliz also has stated they are going to examine the top ladder acounts for ToS abuse(botting) before awarding prizes.

Quote:What did they get?

Prize info for 1st 99 found here:

Check the news page of the AS. Should be listed there.

Quote:Didn't they just reset the ladder like 2 weeks ago?

Also can be found on the AS news page. The Ladder was reset on July 8th.

Quote:A ladder reset that often is kind of dumb...

This season has already been severely compromised, and I see little value in it. I have a couple guardians(with only moderate amount of playing), and that's enough for me. Actually, I can dream that they will find a good way to prevent botting, *then* reset the ladder. They have done something already, but we need more time to see the effects. The ladder itself is not that important to me, but I do like a fairly clean realm to play in(I play public games).
Baajikiil,Aug 13 2004, 02:27 PM Wrote:Actually, I can dream that they will find a good way to prevent botting, *then* reset the ladder.
They had one a while back, when they denied bots access to entirely. Unfortunately, that only lasted a few days because of the uproar it caused among people who used chat bots. Probably a safe bet that 3/4 of the people complaining were the ones using bots of the more non-tos-conforming variety.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
Guild Wars account: Lurker Wyrm
To me, it appears that the only effect of their normal anti-botting practices is giving me a 24 hour ban, for switching characters too quickly. <_<

Edit: Too ashamed to see my post with those ridicilous typos.
I dont care about my ladder rank, but I really enjoy having a moderatly clean lrealm to play in.

I guess if they rolled back a whole week that would be cool.
Yea they are stupid. Also good use of the word Putz. I love that word.
Wyrm,Aug 13 2004, 02:19 PM Wrote:They had one a while back, when they denied bots access to entirely.&nbsp; Unfortunately, that only lasted a few days because of the uproar it caused among people who used chat bots.&nbsp; Probably a safe bet that 3/4 of the people complaining were the ones using bots of the more non-tos-conforming variety.
A few days? More like a few weeks/months minimum! Time for more than a fair share of new bots to be made. There were, for lack of a better word, chat-hacks that allowed you to enter chat with bots by using a Starcraft log-in. Chat bots comprise mostly spam bots also.

As for in-game bots, those weren’t stopped AT ALL by this ban. D2HACK-IT (the biggest bot running program at the time) hacked into Diablo's .DLL and sent packets, of which this process was not stopped. This was eventually detectable, but a new version of D2HACK-IT came out which is supposedly undetectable, but I doubt that. Then there was D2JSP which used JAVA to simulate key presses based on what is on-screen, not hacking into Diablo at all thus could not/can not ever be detected without checking for the current running programs, which I guess is illegal. So some bots can be stopped, but most can never be stopped and furthermore, cannot even be detected!

I think its a terrible shame, but it also makes me wonder how many other games out there run bots, if not out in the open then low-key? For example, a SWG bot using a Turosk-Kesi (however the heck they're spelled) to kill Rankors all day long to collect credits to sell on eBay. What a shame.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
MEAT,Sep 3 2004, 01:58 AM Wrote:Then there was D2JSP which used JAVA to simulate key presses based on what is on-screen, not hacking into Diablo at all thus could not/can not ever be detected without checking for the current running programs, which I guess is illegal.
Well they can check for the current running programs with your permission

I imagine that accepting a Eula with a clause letting them do this is legally valid, although possibly that would need to be determined in court

And I don't know whether D2 has such a clause, but there's really no reason that D3 shouldn't

Unless they're worried that the CIA might lean on them to monitor game players for terrorist-related internet use :lol:

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